Dear Students and Parents, due to the impending weather, tomorrow (Wednesday, Feb.12th) will be an Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) day and students will be using Google Classroom, video instruction, work packets and other forms of distance learning to complete the school day. It is imperative that students in grades 3-12 check into each one of their classes and with their teachers to ensure they receive their attendance credit. Students should plan on checking in with their teachers beginning at 8:00 A.M.. They can check in on a district provided Chromebook, a home computer, a tablet, or even their phones. Teachers will call students/parents directly if they do not check in for distance learning. The state allows each district 5 AMI days, which means they will not have to be made up at a later date. Please be aware that Thursday will likely be an additional AMI day, depending on the total amount of snow we get over night and into tomorrow. Thank you in advance for ensuring your student's AMI success. We appreciate your efforts to reduce our overall make-up days. As always, please email your child's teacher if you have any questions. Thank you and stay safe and warm.
Both Girls basketball and Archery practice after school today, 2/11, has been cancelled
The varsity girls basketball game scheduled for tomorrow night, 2/12, at New Bloomfield has been postponed due to the impending weather conditions. No makeup date had been determined as of yet.
The start time for tomorrow's Feb 5 Varsity Girls Basketball game at Leeton has been changed to 5:30. The bus will leave at 3:00. Sorry for any inconveniences.
Tonight's Varsity Girls Basketball game is Pink-Out night as the girls want to show a heightened awareness to breast cancer. Come support the girls tonight starting at 6:00 wearing your pink! Go Lady Dragons!
The Varsity Girls will play at Lincoln tonight. We are the last game of a three game night and will start at approximately 6:45. The bus will leave at 4:30. We will need to make a stop in Otterville to pick up their girls.
The tournament games scheduled for tomorrow at Calvary Lutheran has been cancelled. The next game for the Girls is Monday night at Lincoln. Game time has yet to be determined. Sorry for any and all inconveniences.
The Archery Tournament Saturday, January 11 at Hellas has been cancelled. We will practice Tuesday and Thursday after school until 4:45 next week. If you have a bow, please bring it to school for practice. My intent is to take a group to Eugene next Saturday, January 18.
Calvary Lutheran has cancelled our 8:00 Friday night tournament game with Tuscumbia. No decision has been made yet on the two Saturday games. How much additional snow we get and if we can travel safely will be the determining factors. I will keep you posted.
Due to overnight freezing temperatures causing icy road conditions, and an additional 1 to 3 inches of snow possible, there will be no school Friday, January 10th. Our mandatory make up day will be Thursday, May 22nd. Please add this day to your school calendar. We miss our students and hope to see everyone on January 14th! Stay warm and safe.
The Varsity Girls Basketball Game with Vienna tomorrow, January 9, has been cancelled. We are working on a date to reschedule.
There will be no school, Thursday, January 9, due to poor road conditions. Our mandatory make up day will be scheduled for Monday, May 12; please add this day to your school calendar. Thank you and stay safe and warm.
The FAFSA night scheduled for tomorrow, January 8th, is canceled and will be rescheduled for January 29th at 6:30.
Due to icy road conditions, there will be no school Wednesday, January 8th. Our mandatory make up day will be Monday, May 5th. Please add this day to your school calendar. Stay safe and warm!
Due to poor road conditions and plummeting temperatures, there will be no school Tuesday, January 7th. This day will be made up on Monday, April 28th. Please add this day to your school calendar. It will be a required attendance day for students and staff. Please stay home, stay safe and warm.
Happy New Year! The Bunceton School District wishes everyone all the best in 2025.
This Friday, Jan 3 the Varsity Girls will play LaMonte at Bunceton School starting at 6:00. Unfortunately the Boys game has been cancelled due to low numbers on the team. As a replacement game for the LaMonte Boys, they will play Chilhowee after the girls game starting at approximately 7:30.
The Varsity Girls play this afternoon, Saturday, Dec 28 at the W-K Shootout at State Fair Community College in Sedalia. Game time is 1:30 and the bus leaves at 11:30.
The Bunceton Lady Dragons with Otterville plays tonight for 1st place in the Otterville Holiday Classic. Come support them to victory! If you are unable to attend, you can watch at the link below for a fee.
The Bunceton Lady Dragons with Otterville play tonight in the Otterville Tournament against Prairie Home. Game starting at 7:00 pm. The game will be livestreamed at the following link. The NFHS link below has a viewer fee. Come support your Lady Dragons!
There is NO Archery practice after school this week, Dec 10-13, due to the ball game tonight and prep for the Christmas program on Thursday, Dec 12. We will practice solely in-school this week during recesses, study halls and Physical Education classes.